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ABCya BINGO Collection : LLC


Download ABCya BINGO Collection APK for Android - Free - Latest Version

Latest Version

Name ABCya BINGO Collection APK
Version 1.0.4
Updated 2024-07-24
Developer LLC
Installs 35,895
Category Educational

ABCya BINGO Collection

Now play all 11 ABCya BINGO games in one app! The ABCya Bingo app combines all of the Bingo boards that have been helping millions of children learn for over a decade. With topics ranging from sight words to math facts to state geography, there is sure to be something for all young learners in PreK through 6th grade. What’s more, all games are customizable. Kids choose a grid size, and then zero in on a specific area of focus within each topic.

Just as with all ABCya activities, learning while having fun is the name of the game. Kids will love shouting BINGO as they master world geography and then tracking their progress on the Bingo Achievement page. Looking for more incentive for your child to practice math facts? Kids will ask to keep playing and learning so that they can collect one of 20 animated Bingo Bugs in their very own interactive jar!

Download ABCya Bingo today, and help your child get excited about learning!

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