5 M Vet Consult Canine Feline
Based on 6th print edition. Contains 800+ disorders. Covers clinical sign, diagnoses, treatment & follow-up. Built-in calculators. 10 Interactive flowcharts.
Editor: Larry P. Tilley, DVM; Francis W. K. Smith, Jr., DVM
Publisher: John Wiley & Son Inc. and its affiliates
Like having a trusted clinician with you in the exam room, the fully updated Sixth Edition of Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline continues to offer fast access to information in an easy-to-use format.
- Provides fast access to key information on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and conditions in dogs and cats
- Covers 846 specific disorders, making it the most comprehensive quick-reference book on canine and feline medicine
- Carefully designed for fast searching and reference in the busy practice setting, giving you the confidence to make clinical decisions quickly and appropriately
- Presents contributions from 379 leading experts specializing in all areas of veterinary medicine
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